Mental Sex, Characters, and You

Check out our new audio program: Mental Sex, Characters and You – Just $9.95! This three-hour audio program in mp3 (download and/or play online) explores one of the most crucial aspects of narrative structure that reflects not only in characters, but in each of us as well. Mental Sex, Characters and You explores the nature […]

Dramatica Class: Mental Sex

The following is a transcript from an online class in story structure presented by the co-creator of Dramatica, Melanie Anne Phillips signed on as Dramatica: Dramatica:  Okay, we move on to Mental Sex… This question is not about the gender of the main Character. And, it is not about their sexual preferences, AND, it is […]

Dramatica Class: Mental Sex

Dramatica:  Okay, we move on to Mental Sex… This question is not about the gender of the main Character. And, it is not about their sexual preferences, AND, it is not about masculine or feminine. It is about problem solving techniques,linear, or holistic. More often than not, if you have a male gender, they are […]

Stories with Female Mental Sex Main Characters

STORIES that have Mental Sex of Female: A Doll’s House: Nora effectively assesses what she needs to do to maintain the balance in her marriage. All About Eve: Margo uses holistic problem solving: When she first becomes suspicious of Eve’s motives, Margo smokes a cigarette and thinks about all that’s been happening; she asks Birdie’s […]

Writing with Female Mental Sex

A Female Main Character’s psychology is based on assessing balance. The female Main Character resolves inequities by comparing surpluses to deficiencies. The manner employed in resolving the inequity will involve creating a surplus where a surplus is desired, creating a deficiency where a deficiency is desired, creating a surplus so a deficiency is felt elsewhere, […]