Here are some clues for all you Dramatica theory hounds…
Strong, Weak, Electromagnetic, Gravity
Solid, Liquid, Gas, Plasma
Mass, Energy, Space, Time
Universe, Physics, Mind, Psychology
Knowledge, Thought, Ability, Desire
Noun, Verb, Adjective, Adverb
The same relationships among them, repeated in different subject matter context.
Reflective not of the items but of the way the mind organizes the items.
Therefore reflective of the patterns not of the observed, but of the observer.
This group of interrelationships is the basis of the quad.
It is described by a series of equations.
One of the equations is the psychological equivalent of E=MC2
Each quad is a dramatic circuit in fiction or a psychological circuit in the real world
The items in a quad can be seen as Potential, Resistance, Current, and Power (dynamically).
The items in a quad can be seen as 1,2,3,4 (sequentially).
The items in a quad are not objects but processes.
The Dramatica chart is a periodic table of psychological processes, treated as objects, as in object-oriented programming.
Each quad has a pair that is seen as made up of discrete items.
Each quad has a pair that is seen as two items blended into one.
There are three kinds of pair relationships in each quad – Dynamic (diagonal), Companion (horizontal), Dependent (Vertical).
The three kinds of pairs correlate to sine, cosine, tangent.
Each kind of pair has two examples – one positive, one negative
There is a fourth relationship in a quad – whether the items are seen as four individual items or as a single family of similar items, such as “This IS the United States” or “These ARE the United States”
This fourth relationship goes beyond the trigonometry functions with a fourth function that moves imaginary numbers into the real number plane since time is part of the equation.
The quad is the core and key to how the mind works and can be used to move beyond artificial intelligence to create artificial self-awareness.
There is much, much, more than this.
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