Inaction • [Element] • Protection<–>Inaction • intentionally taking no action • Inaction does not mean simply sitting still. An Inactive character might choose to allow a course of action by not interfering. Or it might refuse to move out of harm’s way, thereby forming a resistance to the progress that drives the harm. Both of these are efficient tools for altering the course of an interaction. However, the Inactive characteristic may also drag its feet in all areas and form a resistance to both good and bad things so that its influence simply hinders everything but changes nothing. • syn. passive reaction, inactive response, achieve through not doing
Induction • [Element] • Deduction<–>Induction • a method of thought that determines possibility • Induction is the process of thought that determines where an unbroken line of causal relationships might lead. The purpose is to see if it is possible that something connects to something else. The character containing the Inductive characteristic has an advantage in taking seemingly unrelated facts and putting them in an order that establishes a potential causal relationship. This allows him to arrive at conclusions that “limit in” something as a possibility. The drawback is that the conclusion only illustrates one possibility out of an unknown number of possibilities. Unlike deduction, Induction does not rule out competing theories until only one remains. Rather, Induction simply determines that a particular theory is not ruled out. Problems occur when it is assumed that simply because a causal relationship might exist that it does exist. This leads to blaming and holding responsible both people and situations that were not actually the real cause. Only if all possible Inductions are compared can the likelihood of any single one be determined • syn. postulate, predicate, conjecture, infer, hypothesize, determine possibility
Inequity • [Element] • Equity<–>Inequity • an unbalance, unfairness, or lack or equality • When a character focuses on Inequity he is evaluating in terms of what is wrong or unfair with a situation. No matter how much is working right or how much is good, it is the part that is out of balance that occupies his attention. A character with this trait will spot trouble before anyone else, but he will also never be satisfied unless absolutely everything is worked out • syn. imbalance, unfair, disparity, unequal, uneven, disproportionate
Inertia • [Element] • Change<–>Inertia • a continuation of a state or process • Inertia is a tendency to maintain the status quo. That which is moving wants to keep moving. That which is at rest wants to stay at rest. An Inertia-oriented character concerns himself with keeping things on an even keel. He tries to avoid or prevent anything that rocks the boat. He also does not adapt well to change. • syn. tendency to continue, a change resistant pattern, continuation, following an established direction
Instinct • [Variation] • Conditioning<–>Instinct • intrinsic unconditioned responses • Instinct describes those built- in responses to situations and circumstances that are not learned, yet drive one to comply with their urges. How much sway they have over an individual depends both upon the nature of the instinct and the intensity of conditioning against the instinct that he has experienced by accident, design, or choice. When one acts or responds according to instinct, there is no conscious consideration beforehand. Only after the fact does the consciousness become aware that an instinct has been triggered. Nonetheless, one can learn to inhibit instinctual commands until the consciousness has the opportunity to consider the propriety of conforming to it. • syn. involuntary drive, innate impulse, unconditioned response, automatic response, unconditioned motivation
Interdiction • [Variation] • Prediction<–>Interdiction • an effort to change a pre-determined course • Interdiction is the effort to change the course of one’s destiny. Once a character determines that his destiny is pulling him toward an undesirable fate, he tries to Interdict and thereby avoid the fate. But has he correctly identified the course of his destiny or in actuality is what he sees as Interdiction is just another pre-destined step toward his fate? • syn. altering the future, interfering with the predetermined, hindering the inevitable, escaping the predestined
Interpretation • [Variation] • Senses<–>Interpretation • determination of possible meaning • Once an observation is made, its meaning must be Interpreted by the mind. Even if seen exactly as it happened, the forces or intents behind what is seen are often misconstrued. Stories revolving around eye witness accounts frequently employ Interpretation (and its Dynamic Partner, Senses) to great dramatic advantage • syn. construe, rendition, rendering meaning, elucidate, translating meaning
Investigation • [Variation] • Doubt<–>Investigation • gathering evidence • Investigation is a pro-active word for it describes a character who makes an effort to seek out evidence. Obviously this usually tends to bring one closer to a conclusion sooner than without the effort. But Investigation can cause trouble since the character must pre-determine where to look. This leads to a meandering path through the evidence that may miss whole pockets of essential information. Sometimes a single missed piece can flip the entire conclusion 180 degrees. So Investigating to one’s satisfaction depends on random success and the limits of one’s tenacity, not necessarily on learning what the whole picture is. • syn. inquiry, research, probe, sleuthing, delving, query
Issue • [Variation] • The thematic focus or topic of the Domain being explored • Each of the four Domains: Objective Story, Subjective Story, Main Character, and Obstacle Character, have a thematic topic which is described by its Issue. The Objective Story Issue, for example, provides a value standard for judging the Objective Characters’ efforts in a story. Whatever kinds of things are done by the Objective Characters in relation to the Story Goal can be said to be linked thematically by this particular item.