Title |
Views |
The 8 Archetypal Characters |
7,562 |
Dramatica Audio Program |
2,303 |
Dramatica Theory Book |
1,746 |
Dramatica Video Program |
1,526 |
Sidekick & Skeptic Archetypes |
1,297 |
The Best Story Structure Articles of 2012 |
1,209 |
Objective vs. Subjective Perspectives |
1,187 |
Story Development |
1,045 |
Characters |
1,011 |
Blog |
961 |
Dramatica Definition: Contagonist |
908 |
Complex Characters in “Rear Window” |
877 |
Dramatica Dictionary |
828 |
The 8 Archetypal Characters |
811 |
Creative Writing |
811 |
Novel Writing |
774 |
Dramatica Pro |
704 |
Character Interests (Likes and Dislikes) |
673 |
Plot |
634 |
12 Essential Questions |
567 |
Narrative Space |
566 |
A Character’s Purpose |
558 |
Stories with Main Characters Who Change |
548 |
Each Archetype is an Equation |
498 |
Character Development and the 28 “Magic” Scenes |
488 |
Genre & Theme |
487 |
Introduction to Plot |
478 |
Dramatica – How We Did It! (Part One) |
438 |
Objective and Subjective Characters |
429 |
Protagonist and Antagonist |
429 |
StoryWeaver vs. Dramatica |
420 |
Screenwriting |
408 |
The Dramatica Structural Model |
394 |
3 Act vs. 4 Act Structure |
380 |
“Sweet Spots” in Time |
334 |
Static & Progressive Plot Points |
333 |
Premise and the Thematic Argument |
323 |
Thematic Premise vs. Thematic Conflict |
322 |
StoryWeaving Seminar |
317 |
Four Dimensional Characters |
315 |
Using Dramatica Example Stories |
310 |
Psychology, Personality, Persona & Perception – The 4 P’s Revisited |
265 |
Dramatica Class |
261 |
Selecting Your Story’s Goal |
259 |
Narrative Dynamics 7 – Dynamics Quads |
251 |
External and Internal Dependencies |
245 |
The Four Story Domains |
235 |
Writing Trilogies |
228 |
The “Influence Character” in a Nut Shell |
228 |
The Contagonist |
225 |
Complex Characters in “Gone with the Wind” |
220 |
Conversational Inertia |
218 |
Your Plot, Step by Step |
207 |
New Interactive Index Card Software – Just $9.95 |
205 |
Writing Tips for Multi-Story Ensemble Series and Soap Operas |
204 |
A Novelist’s Bag of Tricks |
204 |
The Four Stages of Communication |
202 |
Dramatica Unplugged (Part 1) – Introducing the Story Mind |
202 |
Beyond Dramatica – a new free eBook by Dramatica co-creator Melanie Anne Phillips |
194 |
8 Character Archetypes Portray the Facets of Our Minds |
189 |
What Is Dramatica? |
188 |
Male vs. Female Problem Solving |
186 |
Action & Decision Elements of Character Archetypes |
185 |
The Four Story Throughlines |
176 |
The Reason and Emotion Archetypes |
176 |
Predicting Human Behavior |
175 |
Four Points of View in Every Story |
171 |
Birth of a Story Mind |
170 |
The Measure of a Hero |
169 |
Dramatica Class 10 |
168 |
Characters – Introduction to “Blind Spot” |
164 |
“Hero” is a Stereotype NOT an Archetype! |
162 |
Creating Characters from Scratch |
162 |
Dramatica Definition: Critical Flaw |
158 |
Enough Theory! How Does Dramatica Work on Real Stories? |
157 |
Narrative Science |
156 |
The Narrative Archetype |
152 |
Narrative Dynamics 1 – Introduction |
151 |
Dramatica Dictionary: P |
151 |
Dramatica Theory Book: Chapter 4 |
150 |
Is Story Structure a Myth? |
149 |
How to Structure Your Story’s Theme |
149 |
Novel Writing Tips: Novels Aren’t Stories |
148 |
Random Story Generator |
147 |
Archetypes in the Movie, “Jaws” |
146 |
Main Character’s Resolve |
145 |
Be a StoryWeaver – NOT a Story Mechanic! |
143 |
Dramatica Definition: Dynamic Pair |
143 |
Questions About Dramatica Story Expert |
142 |
Dramatica Structure “Super” Classes |
142 |
Throughlines (and how to use them!) |
141 |
Complex Characters |
140 |
Narrative Dynamics 6 – The Grand Unifying Theory of Everything |
140 |
Narrative Dynamics 3 – The Dramatica Model |
137 |
Do Stories Have 28 or 24 Scenes? |
136 |
The Reason and Emotion Archetypes |
135 |
Character Motivation Elements in Wizard Of Oz |
135 |
Writing Plot for Television Series |
133 |
The Four Stages of Storytelling |
133 |
Dramatica Theory Book: Chapter 3 |
129 |
Finding Inspiration |
129 |
Dramatica Theory Book: Chapter 7 |
127 |
Dramatica Theory Book: Chapter 5 |
125 |
Dramatica Theory Book: Chapter 9 |
124 |
Creating Four Dimensional Characters (video) |
124 |
Genre – Act by Act |
123 |
Act Order – Sign Posts, Journeys & Throughlines |
123 |
Motivations, Methodologies, Evaluations and Purposes |
122 |
Dramatica Theory |
120 |
Driver and Passenger Characters |
120 |
Dramatica Theory Book: Chapter 2 |
118 |
Creating Characters from Scratch |
118 |
Static vs. Progressive Plot Points (video) |
118 |
Dramatica Class 1 |
117 |
Defining and Identifying Personality Types |
116 |
How to Create Archetypal Characters |
115 |
Dramatica Theory Book: Prologue |
113 |
How to Use StoryWeaver Story Development Software |
112 |
Download Dramatica Theory Book in PDF |
111 |
Screenwriting Tips: Break Up Monologues |
110 |
Archetypes in Star Wars |
109 |
Dramatica |
109 |
Dramatica: The Lost Theory |
107 |
The Crucial Element |
107 |
Dramatica Dictionary: C |
107 |
Protagonist & Antagonist Archetypes |
106 |
Developing Your Theme |
104 |
Creating Characters from Plot |
103 |
Character Archetypes in Dynamic Pairs |
103 |
Dramatica Theory Book: Chapter 28 |
103 |
Dramatica Definition: Character Dynamics |
103 |
If Dramatica’s Options Aren’t What I Want, What Then? |
103 |
Complex Characters in “Rear Window” |
102 |
Stories with “Be-er” Main Characters |
102 |
Protagonist & Antagonist |
102 |
Definitive Scientific Article on Dramatica Theory |
102 |
Dramatica Theory Book: Chapter 6 |
101 |
About StoryWeaver Software… |
101 |
Dramatica Class 11 |
101 |
Write Your Novel Step by Step (Step 1) |
101 |
Dramatica Theory Book: Chapter 18 |
100 |
Character Arc 101 |
99 |
Dramatica’s Plot Sequence Report – Deep Theory |
98 |
Main Character Resolve – Change or Steadfast? |
98 |
The Master Storyteller: Create a Story “Focus” |
98 |
Identifying Your Antagonist |
98 |
Overall Story Throughline? |
97 |
Contact |
97 |
Dramatica Dictionary: A |
97 |
Dramatica Class 2 |
96 |
Archetypes and the Crucial Element |
95 |
Guardian & Contagonist Archetypes |
95 |
StoryWeaving Seminar: Introduction |
94 |
Dramatica Class 23 |
94 |
Narrative Dynamics 5 – The Interface Solution |
93 |
The Villain |
93 |
Character Elements in Wizard Of Oz |
93 |
Dramatica Dictionary: D |
93 |
Problem, Symptom, and Critical Flaw |
92 |
The 28 “Magic” Scenes – Part 2 |
92 |
Story Examples in Dramatica Pro 4 |
92 |
Fractal Psychology in the Real World |
92 |
Archetypes in Wizard of Oz |
91 |
Dramatica Theory Book: Chapter 17 |
91 |
Writing from the Passionate Self |
91 |
Four Essential Plot Points |
91 |
Dramatica Trivia 3: The Contagonist Archetype |
91 |
The Periodic Table of Story Elements |
90 |
Dramatica Unplugged (Part 2) – A Tale is a Statement |
90 |
The 28 “Magic” Scenes – Part 1 |
90 |
Throughline Interactive Index Cards – Tip 1 |
90 |
Don’t Forget the Requirements! |
89 |
Designing Your Plot – Multi Appreciation Moments |
89 |
The Hero Breaks Down |
89 |
Dramatica Class: Main Character vs. Protagonist |
89 |
Deciphering Lost Languages with Dramatica |
89 |
The Obstacle Character |
89 |
Do You Write Like An Actor or a Director? |
89 |
Four Archetypes |
89 |
Dramatica Theory Book: Chapter 8 |
88 |
Who Are You Writing For? |
88 |
Overcoming Habits |
88 |
Sidekick & Skeptic Archetypes |
87 |
“Premise” Leads to Lack of Conflict |
87 |
The Dramatica Chart |
87 |
Developing the Subjective Story Plot |
87 |
The Story Mind (Part 9) – The Story Mind Revisited |
87 |
Signposts & Journeys |
87 |
Dramatica Theory Book: Chapter 1 |
85 |
Character Dimensions |
85 |
The 8 Character Archetypes (part 1) |
85 |
Cliches, Dead Words, and Overused Phrases |
85 |
Protagonist Personal |
85 |
Dramatica Dictionary: S |
84 |
Avoiding the Genre Trap |
83 |
Dramatica Class 18 |
82 |
Dramatica Theory Book: Chapter 19 |
82 |
Writing Adaptations & Remakes |
82 |
The Coming Global Story Mind |
82 |
Using Forewarnings |
80 |
Narrative Structure, Game Theory and Crowd Control |
79 |
Dramatica Unplugged (Part 3) – A Story is an Argument |
79 |
Creating Extra Tension with Consequences |
77 |
The Dramatica Chart and Short Stories |
77 |
“Hero” is a Four Letter Word (Free eBook) |
77 |
What Happens in Acts One, Two and Three? |
76 |
How Dramatica Works |
76 |
Sequences, Variations, and Acts |
76 |
Dramatica Class 24 |
76 |
Creating Characters from Scratch |
76 |
Dramatica Theory Book: Chapter 10 |
76 |
Dramatica Theory Book: Chapter 25 |
75 |
Can Two Characters Share the Same Traits? |
75 |
Introduction to Premise |
75 |
Dramatica Pro 4 – Characters, Part 1 |
75 |
Trigonometry and Dramatica |
74 |
Dramatica Definition: Sidekick |
74 |
Main Character Resolve: Change or Steadfast? |
74 |
Dramatica Software Tips |
72 |
Plot Requirements |
72 |
Overall Story Concern? |
72 |
“Throughline” or “Through-Line” ? |
71 |
Choosing Your Story’s Title |
71 |
Examples of Story “Concerns” |
71 |
A Method for Locating Personality Types in the General Population |
71 |
Tricking the Muse: The Creativity “Two-Step” |
71 |
A Bug in Writer’s DreamKit? (Say it ain’t so!) |
70 |
Character Development Tricks! |
69 |
Story Driver – Action or Decision? |
69 |
Narrative Dynamics 4 – The Interface Conundrum |
68 |
Revealing Your Goal |
68 |
Dramatica Theory Book: Chapter 12 |
68 |
Dramatica Theory Book: Chapter 16 |
67 |
Overall Story Problem? |
67 |
Dramatica Dictionary: Synonyms |
67 |
Dramatica Class 19 |
67 |
A New Approach to Genre |
67 |
Theme and the Dramatica Chart |
67 |
Be a StoryWeaver – NOT a Story Mechanic! (mp3) |
67 |
Dramatica Class 4 |
66 |
Dramatica’s Semantics Explained |
66 |
Does Your Main Character Change or Remain Steadfast? |
66 |
Story Consequences |
65 |
A Screenwriter’s Bag of Tricks |
65 |
Origins of Dramatica |
65 |
Dramatica Class 15 |
65 |
Overall Story Issue? |
65 |
The Four Aspects of Story Structure |
65 |
The Dramatica Structure: Elements |
65 |
The Four Stages of Communication |
65 |
Dramatica Dictionary: T |
65 |
Questions about Dramatica Pro |
64 |
Dramatica Theory Book: Chapter 37 |
64 |
Protagonist & Antagonist |
64 |
Writing an Initial Plot Synopsis |
64 |
Dramatica Class 14 |
64 |
Character Justifications |
63 |
The Story Engine |
63 |
3 Act vs. 4 Act Structure |
63 |
The Relationship of Author to Audience (Theory) |
63 |
The Big Bang Theory – A “Penny” for Your Thoughts |
62 |
Changing Dramatica’s Suggested Act Order |
62 |
Dramatica Theory Book: Chapter 11 |
62 |
The False Narrative |
61 |
Dramatica Class 12 |
61 |
Main Character, Obstacle Character – Problem & Solution |
60 |
Dramatica Class: Mental Sex |
60 |
Relationship of Story Driver to Journeys |
60 |
Story Judgment – Good or Bad? |
60 |
Love Interests and the Dramatic Triangle |
60 |
The Chemistry of Characters |
60 |
John Muir and the Poodle People |
60 |
Both Sides of the Thematic Argument |
60 |
Developing the Objective Story Plot |
59 |
Creating Characters from Plot |
59 |
Main Character Approach – Do-er or Be-er? |
59 |
Main Character Style – Logical or Intuitive? |
59 |
Story Domain Examples |
59 |
Dramatica Class 5 |
59 |
Dramatica Class 22 |
58 |
Story Structure for Intuitive Writers in Dramatica Pro 4 |
58 |
Screenwriting Tips: Use Index Cards |
58 |
Finding Your Creative Time |
58 |
Graphic Novel Themes & Dramatica |
58 |
Dramatica Dictionary: I |
57 |
Main Character Growth – Start or Stop? |
57 |
Dramatica Class 9 |
57 |
Screenwriting: The Rule of Threes |
57 |
Introduction to the Story Mind |
57 |
Genre: Revealing Your Story’s Personality |
57 |
Dramatica Class 3 |
57 |
Screenwriting Tips: Red Herrings |
57 |
Write Your Novel Step by Step (Step 4) |
57 |
A Story’s Four Essential “Throughlines” |
56 |
Rising Tension in Character Relationships |
56 |
Your Unique Genre |
56 |
Writing an Initial Thematic Synopsis |
56 |
Quick Tip: The Collective Goal |
55 |
Dramatica Pro 4 – Characters, Part 2 |
55 |
Characters, Dramatica Style (mp3) |
55 |
Archetypal Character Dimensions |
55 |
Heroes & Villains |
55 |
Dramatica Dictionary: E |
55 |
Character Elements |
55 |
Dramatica Theory Book: Chapter 15 |
54 |
Writing an Initial Character Synopsis |
54 |
Indentifying Your Main Character |
54 |
Adaptation |
54 |
Screenwriting Tips: Use Index Cards |
54 |
Examples of Stories Concerned with “The Future” |
53 |
Write Your Novel Step by Step (Step 3) |
53 |
Coming Apart at the Themes |
53 |
Write Your Novel Step by Step (Part 6) |
53 |
Character Purposes |
52 |
Dramatica Dictionary: R |
52 |
Your Protagonist is not your Main Character |
52 |
Story Limit – Timelock or Optionlock? |
52 |
Contextual Retribution |
52 |
The 12 Questions Every Writer Should Answer |
52 |
Selecting Your Story’s Preconditions |
51 |
Dramatica Software: Character Generator |
51 |
Characters’ Personal Goals |
51 |
Progressive Plot Points & Acts |
51 |
Goals vs. Purposes |
51 |
Hidden Meanings in Citizen Kane |
51 |
Creating Characters: “My Hero!” |
51 |
An Example of Problem Solving |
51 |
The 28 Magic Scenes – Part Four |
51 |
The Thematic Conclusion |
51 |
The Dramatica Theory of Story Structure |
51 |
The Story Engine for Structural Writers |
50 |
Story Limit: Timelock or Optionlock? |
50 |
Dramatica Class 20 |
50 |
Encoding Genre |
49 |
Interactions Among Character Dimensions |
49 |
The Purpose of Story Structure |
49 |
Writing from a Character’s Point of View |
49 |
What, Exactly, Is Theme? |
49 |
Story Outcome – Success or Failure? |
49 |
Developing the Main Character’s Plot |
49 |
Dramatica Theory Book: Chapter 20 |
49 |
How the Main Character Changes |
49 |
Characters – The Attributes of Age |
48 |
Quick Tip: Characters’ Personal Goals |
48 |
Write Your Novel Step by Step (Step 2) |
48 |
Introduction to Theme |
48 |
Introduction to Plot |
48 |
Love Interests and the Dramatic Triangle |
48 |
Change & Steadfast Characters in the Real World |
48 |
Blowing the Story Bubble |
48 |
Dramatica Definition: Main Character Problem |
48 |
Screenwriting 101 |
48 |
Selecting Your Story’s Forewarnings |
48 |
Dramatica Theory Book: Chapter 21 |
48 |
Mentors, Guardians, Obstacles & Star Wars |
48 |
Character Dimensions |
47 |
Write a Novel or Screenplay Step by Step |
47 |
The Four Story Issues |
47 |
Dramatica Unplugged (Part 6) – Audience Reach |
47 |
Characters in the Middle of Act Three |
47 |
Plot Progression for Structural Writers |
47 |
Choosing Your Protagonist & Antagonist |
47 |
Dramatic Quads & Dramatic Pairs |
47 |
Character Elements in the Movie, “Jaws” |
46 |
Subjective Characters and the Objective Story |
46 |
Dramatica Definition: Non-accurate |
46 |
Your Thematic Message |
46 |
Dramatica Dictionary: M |
46 |
A Word of Warning About Propaganda |
46 |
Introducing the Story Mind (video) – Part 1 of 113 |
46 |
Novel Writing Tips: Get Into Your Characters’ Heads |
46 |
Dramatica Dictionary: K |
46 |
Archetypal Methodologies |
46 |
Dramatica Theory Book: Chapter 13 |
45 |
Success or Failure? |
45 |
Developing the Obstacle Character’s Plot |
45 |
Using Character Names from Someone Else’s Story |
45 |
Characters in “To Kill a Mockingbird” |
45 |
“Hero” is a Four-Letter Word (Part 2) |
45 |
Narrative Dynamics (Part 4) |
45 |
Writing Theme & Genre in Television Series |
44 |
Plot Points in Example Stories |
44 |
Story Perspectives |
44 |
Dramatica Unplugged (Part 4) – The Dramatica Chart |
44 |
Dramatica Unplugged (Part 7) – Story Structure vs. Storytelling |
44 |
Unfolding Your Thematic Topic |
44 |
Be a Story Weaver (Part 3) |
43 |
Dramaticapedia – “Ability” |
43 |
Dramatica Dictionary: F |
43 |
“Illegal” Plot Progressions |
43 |
Dramatica Definition: Main Character Focus |
43 |
Storytelling Technique: Meaning Reversals |
43 |
The 28 Magic Scenes – Part Three |
43 |
Dramatica Theory Book: Chapter 24 |
42 |
al Awlaki, the “Uncanny Valley” and Writing Empathetic Characters |
42 |
Relationship Between Main & Obstacle Characters |
42 |
Storytelling Technique: Red Herrings |
41 |
Main Character Throughline |
41 |
New Book on Archetypes and the Mind |
41 |
Brainstorming for Structural Writers |
41 |
The Villain |
41 |
Conflict Can Limit Your Characters |
41 |
Scene Creation for Structural Writers |
41 |
The Objective Story Issue |
41 |
Blowing the Story Bubble |
41 |
Plot vs. Exposition |
40 |
A Story is a Argument |
40 |
Examples of Main Characters who Change |
40 |
Levels of the Story Mind |
40 |
Narrative Dynamics (Part 1) |
40 |
Dramatica Theory Book: Chapter 29 |
40 |
Dramatica Theory Book: Chapter 35 |
40 |
Four Levels of Propaganda |
40 |
A Story’s Limit: Timelock or Option Lock? |
40 |
Subplots |
40 |
A Few Words About Theme |
39 |
The New Dramatica for Macintosh is Finally Here! |
39 |
Dramatica Theory Book: Chapter 26 |
39 |
#6539 (loading title) |
39 |
Direction of Main Character Growth |
39 |
Start and Stop Characters in the Real World |
38 |
Dramatica Pro 4 – Brainstorming, Part 1 |
38 |
Dramatica Theory Book: Chapter 33 |
38 |
Storytelling Trick 2 – Red Herrings (Changing Importance) |
38 |
How Dramatica is Different from Six Other Story Paradigms |
38 |
Dramatica & Non-linear Game Theory |
38 |
Examples of Stories Concerned with Understanding |
38 |
Psychology, Personality, Persona and Perception |
38 |
Dramatica vs. McKee |
37 |
Dramatica Class 17 |
37 |
Dramatica Class 7 |
37 |
How to Beat Writer’s Block |
37 |
Dramatica Class: Main Character vs. Protagonist |
37 |
More Notes on the Dynamic Model of Narrative Psychology |
37 |
Character Relationships Baselines |
37 |
Dramatica Class 21 |
37 |
God and Dramatica |
36 |
The Story Mind (Part 8) – Writing Remakes |
36 |
New Category – Narrative Science! |
36 |
Dramatica Theory Book: Chapter 34 |
36 |
StoryWeaving, Space & Time |
36 |
Dramatica Theory Book: Chapter 27 |
36 |
Famous Novels’ first sentences mapped! |
36 |
Character Motivation Elements in Star Wars |
36 |
Introducing Characters: First Impressions |
35 |
Dramatica Class 6 |
35 |
Be a Story Weaver (Part 1) |
35 |
50 Sure-Fire Storytelling Tricks! |
35 |
Why Dramatica Works – Part 1 |
35 |
Main Character Mental Sex |
35 |
Dramatica: Out of Balance |
35 |
Origins of Story Structure |
35 |
Character Justifications |
35 |
The Four Throughlines |
35 |
The Cardinal Rule of Storytelling |
34 |
How to Use Dramatica & StoryWeaver Together |
34 |
A Tale is a Statement |
34 |
Storytelling Technique: Out of Sequence Experiences |
34 |
Co-Creator of Dramatica’s Birthday Today! |
34 |
Writing Non-stories |
34 |
Creating Characters: “My Hero!” |
34 |
The Authorless Narrative |
34 |
Character Element Pairs |
34 |
Dramatica Definition: Author’s Proof |
34 |
Matching Character Personalities to Archetypes |
34 |
Screenwriting Tips: Exposition |
34 |
Characters’ Changing Emotional Relationships |
34 |
The Love Interest |
34 |
How to Come Up with Story Ideas |
34 |
Narrative Dynamics 2 – Transmutation of Particles and Waves |
34 |
Revealing Your Goal |
33 |
Writing Stories about Hopes and Dreams |
33 |
Throughline 3 is Here!!! |
33 |
Quick Tip: Flashbacks and Flash Forwards |
33 |
How Characters Solve Problems |
33 |
StoryWeaver Story Development Software Walk Through |
33 |
Introducing the Story Mind (video) |
33 |
Dramatica Pro 4 – Characters, Part 3 |
33 |
StoryWeaver Tip 1 |
33 |
Your Thematic Topic |
33 |
Breaking Screenplay Format |
33 |
Different Themes in Different Throughlines |
33 |
Dramatica Theory Book: Chapter 23 |
33 |
Character Development Tricks! |
32 |
Write Your Screenplay Step By Step – Now for Kindle |
32 |
Writing from a Character’s Point of View |
32 |
Questions About Act Order in Different Cultures |
32 |
StoryWeaver Fix – Why Files Don’t Seem to Save |
32 |
Elements of Structure – Art of Storytelling |
32 |
Character Assumptions |
32 |
Applying Dramatica to the Real World |
32 |
Dramatica Software: Developing Plot |
32 |
Screenwriting Tips: Don’t Say It! |
32 |
Dramatica Dictionary: H |
31 |
Deus ex Machiavelli |
31 |
Theme: An Emotional Argument |
31 |
The Four Story Problems |
31 |